About Me

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I have enjoyed some great trips recently in the states and abroad. I am on a personal journey as well. I have always been a “seeker” with lots of questions about life. So, not only will I share some highlights from my travels, but, given my journey, I plan to share occasional witticisms, pithy political observations, and philosophical musings.

Friday, May 11, 2012

iView Goes Mobile!

In March, I bought a 2008 Winnebago View RV to do some adventure travel, photography, visits to Civil War battlefields, etc.  So, the View From Eden Farm goes mobile in the iView; a travelogue of photography, phunnies, and philosophy.

Throughout, we’ll continue making memories, the core of what we do with family and friends.  Speaking of family, they are all awaiting a sighting of the View in their respective areas. There’s already been discussion of camping trips with Timmy, Katie, Anna, Molly, Alex, Quinn,and Mattie, trips to the Army-Navy game in Annapolis, excursions to Bama and the Gulf, and wherever else our imagination takes us.

The maiden voyage was to Pine Grove Furnace State Park, PA on May 9-11 (see link  ).  With a little help from our friends and inveterate campers, Bob and Esther Robinson, we took the View to a beautiful state park and historic site of a former iron furnace.

Its the mid-point of the Appalachian Trial where the hikers have a tradition of having Hershey’s ice cream to mark the spot.  I only hiked a mile or so where the Trail overlapped a park trail, but I made sure to have the traditional ice cream just the same.

There’s is an Appalachian Trail Museum, and several buildings from the iron furnace operation, including the mansion, the Pay Master’s House, now available for short-term rent for up to six guests, the ruins of the old furnace, two beautiful lakes, beaches, trails, and trout streams.

Beau and Belle and I did several hikes, one of 4+ miles, cooling our heels in the beautiful stream as necessary.  It was nice to come back and take a nap in our new View.

I mentioned Bob and Esther, friends and neighbors from Fairfield.  They were so nice to help make sure I was prepared with all the gear necessary for the RV as well as the camping, much of which I had from our family tent camping trips, and the Eden Farm Camporama, of course!  Bob and Esther followed me the 35 miles or so to the Park on Wednesday and helped me set up.  Then, Esther and Bob grilled salmon, I prepared a salad, and we finished with Esther’s chocolate chip cake!

Not bad for a maiden voyage.  Bob came back Friday, to make sure I broke camp ok and follow me home.  There’s a lot to explore in this area.  My next trip will probably be to Falling Waters, Frank Lloyd Wright’s house built out over the water fall.  There’s a revolutionary fort in that area as well.  So, more views from the View before long. 

See ya!